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Preschool Curriculum

Preschool Classes at Brighton Academy are offered for ages 4-6 years old.


At Brighton Academy,  we specialize in a play-based learning environment. We use Zoo-Phonics' creative curriculum and teaching strategies. Zoo-Phonics is a curriculum constructed by a team of seasoned teachers and mothers. We integrate Zoo-Phonics into our educational system to help build our one of a kind, unique pre-k curriculum.  


We offer many preschool learning opportunities including dramatic play, art activities, play with manipulatives, sensory activities, quiet areas, a reading area, block play, and outdoor learning.


Our preschool teachers use their observations and assessments in each developmental domain to plan for children's future activities and to partner with parents regarding their child's growth and learning.

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Preschool Rooms Schedule:

  • Greeting and check-in  

  • Handwashing/restroom break pre-transitioning and as needed during the day

  • 9 am circle time

  • Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack 

  • Pre k curriculum in the morning and afternoon  

  • Free choice indoor and outdoor play in the morning and afternoon  

  • Nap, rest, quiet time

  • Art, writing, reading (curriculum)

  • Math, science, dramatic play, block, manipulative play (curriculum)

  • Clean-up and departure

We work hard to be considered one of the best preschools in the Brighton area!


“Play is fundamentally important for learning 21st century skills, such as problem solving, collaboration, and creativity.”

~ American Academy of Pediatrics

Click below to find out more about our:

Brighton Academy Preschool is thrilled to be a Universal Preschool program provider. As such, we work hard to guarantee that each preschool student will be kindergarten-ready immediately upon entering elementary school. Because state standards often only ensure the minimum for students, we have made it our mission to deliver over and above the state’s mandated criteria. 


At our Brighton preschool, we work to do more than just have your student ready for kindergarten academically. We also understand the importance of growing your student socially and emotionally in preparation for their lifelong learning journey. 


Brighton Academy teachers help families with many hard transitions. We believe that open communication is key in a child’s transition from home to our Brighton daycare. Our teachers are open with parents regarding strategies that have worked with their children.  We also consult our mental health advisor and work hand-in-hand with elementary schools to promote straightforward transitions from preschool to elementary school.  


Regardless of whether your child needs infant daycare, toddler daycare, or preschool, we provide families with the necessary tools to succeed including, one-on-one strategies, connections with trained professionals, and needed information about upcoming classes. Our pre-k curriculum is hand-built by an educator and mother who has structured the curriculum to meet every student's needs.  


Brighton Preschool educators are trained to utilize children’s areas of interest to keep them engaged and increase their learning retention.  Our preschool curriculum uses zoophonics, creative curriculum, and teaching strategies to maximize every child’s learning capabilities while becoming kindergarten-ready. 


Our UPK educators have a combined 40+ years of experience in teaching children.  All of our daycare teachers are not only lead qualified but director qualified and have taken countless Early Childhood courses to help them gain knowledge and insight on the best education practices.  In addition, all UPK educators at Brighton Academy have successfully completed the EQIT course and pyramid plus approach model.


It is not sufficient to simply meet mandated preschool curriculum criteria. This is why we hold our school to a higher standard, and why we work to make Brighton Academy Preschool the best preschool and daycare near you!

Contact Brighton Academy


130 S Main St

Brighton, CO 80601



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

6:00 am – 6:00 pm

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